Open 365 days a year from dawn to dusk
Restrooms available weekdays from 8-5
Check out our monthly Free Garden Talks
Every month our Master Gardeners provide a wealth of gardening information in an hour long presentations. Topics have ranged from how to prune blueberry bushes for a better yield to how to build a great compost pile to use within your own gardens.
Pet A Pawlooza is the perfect event for pet lovers and their furry friends! We excited to have vendors like Maggie Society, Purrfect Hearts, Heartfelt Photography Simply Balanced K9 Training, Barks and Bakes, and the City of Wilson K9 instructor on board. If you work with pets, whether you're a non-profit for-profit organization, you can have a free at our event. Join us and let's make it a fun day for our furry friends!
"The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature."
"To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body but to feed on the soul."