Open 365 days a year from dawn to dusk
Restrooms available weekdays from 8-5
Wilson Botanical Gardens
Photography Policy
We encourage our guests to take casual photographs and videos of their visit for their own personal use. However, personal photographs and videos may not be used for commercial purposes. We encourage professional photographers to register by completing a comment card at the Blue Gazebo. Indicate photographer/business name, phone, email etc.
All photography is at the discretion of the Wilson Botanical Gardens.
Photography sessions must not interfere with the enjoyment of Wilson Botanical Gardens’ other guests.
Drone photography is not permitted in the Gardens.
Product photography is not permitted.
Portfolio photography for aspiring photographers and models is not permitted.
Use of images taken may be used for promotion of the photographer’s business as long as Wilson Botanical Gardens is given credit as the location when possible.
The Gardens are a public place; therefore, no privacy will be guaranteed to photographers or subjects.
Photographers or photographic activities may not obstruct or interfere with the free flow of pedestrians or vehicular traffic nor may they interfere with the use of premises for the public. Guests must stay in the public areas of the Gardens only.
All photographers and their parties MUST park in designated parking spots; vehicles are not permitted to drive into other garden areas even for drop-off or pick-up.
Photography may be limited on holidays and holiday weekends, or when other special events are scheduled in the Gardens which may impact facility use. Do not disturb any special event or wedding that is taking place in the Gardens during the time of your photo shoot.
The use of props or signs is not permitted.
Absolutely no helium balloons, confetti, glitter, rice, rose petals, birdseed or doves are allowed on Gardens grounds.
No persons or camera tripods/stands are allowed in flower beds, mulched areas, on walls, or other structures such as our ponds, streams or fountains. Do not block access to the entrance, pathways, or garden areas.
Do not climb trees, walls or sculptures. Do not disturb or remove plants, plant labels or containers.
Changing of clothing or photography of bathing suits or lingerie is not permitted. There is no facility available for a change of clothing in the Gardens.
No alcoholic beverages are permitted in the Gardens.
Wilson Botanical Gardens will not sign general releases giving blanket permission for stock agencies to use photos taken at Wilson Botanical Gardens.
During your visit you may be filmed, videotaped, and/or photographed by a Garden Volunteer, County Representative or contract photographer. Your attendance serves as permission for the use of your image by the Garden and its constituents.
Any questions concerning the above policies may be directed to the Executive Director at